Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Tamagotchi Connexions

Every now and then something erupts onto the scene, becomes a global phenomenon and then vanishes before you can say "craze, what craze?".
Rubik's Cube, Ninja Turtles, legwarmers, er, Vanilla Ice. The list is diverse, daft, weird and (mostly) wonderful. But what goes around comes around and sometimes you just can't keep a good craze down. Because here at Firebox we believe some things are just too darn compelling to stay hidden in the file marked "where are they now?" That's why we were seriously excited when we heard about the relaunch of everybody's favourite handheld virtual pet, Tamagotchi.
For anyone who spent the 90s living in a lunar crater with their entire head submerged in porridge, Tamagotchi (Japanese for lovable egg) were pocket-sized electronic gizmos containing an animated pet that 'lived' on a little screen. In a nutshell (or should that be eggshell?) owners hatched and then raised their pixellated pet by pressing buttons throughout the day. Yes, we know it sounds a bit weird, but these devilishly addictive devices were absolutely massive, and over 40 million of the cute little blighters flew off the shelves between '96 and '98.
But our all-new, post millennial Tamagotchi Connexions (or "Tamagotchi Plus" if you're overseas) are not simply rose-tinted re-issues. The sleek 2004 model has been updated and improved upon in almost every area. For starters, each unit features five times the computing power of earlier Tamagotchi and the larger LCD screen boasts double the resolution.
More importantly, Tamagotchi Connexions can interact with fellow pets over a nifty infrared connection. This means your pets can exchange gifts, play games, 'court' each other, get married and even have babies! The level of interaction is truly impressive - if you hold two of the pets near each other, one will leap into the other screen and give flowers. Altogether now, aahh.
As self-appointed arbiters of what's in and what's out, it is our sworn duty to inform you that Tamagotchi Connexions are going to be the most sought after electronic gizmos since, well, original Tamagotchis. And that, dear friends, is exactly why you should get ordering immediately. Let the craze begin.

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